
Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Learner factors in second language acquisition (Age, Sex, Intelligence, Personality disposition, Cognitive style and attitude.)
Prepared by Philomina Joisy

Some students learn a new language more quickly and easily than others. This simple fact is known by all who have themselves learned a second language or taught those who are using their second language in school. Clearly, some language learners are successful by virtue of their sheer determination, hard work and persistence. However there are other crucial factors influencing success that are largely beyond the control of the learner. These factors may external or internal. It’s their complex interplay that determines the speed and facility with which the new language is learned. The general factor that influence second language learning are: age , sex , intelligence , aptitude , personality disposition , cognitive style and attitude .

Age is one of the factors that influence second language learning. It is generally believed that children are better at language than adults. However , only the studies conducted in naturalistic learning settings provide the evidence that support this assumption . Researchers have proved that learners who start learning a foreign language as children achieve a more native – like accent than those who start as adolescents or adults and they are also better in the acquisition of grammar. The studies concerning the age factor states that the route of SLA is not influenced by the starting age , but there is a relationship between the rate of learning and the age of the learners . Adolescents learn faster than adults and children as far as grammar and vocabulary are concerned. Old learners are able to apply linguistics rules when they use the language. For children language is a tool to express meaning and they cannot respond to it as a form. Neufeld distinguished two level of language; ‘primary’ – vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar rules, and ‘secondary’ – ability to handle complex grammatical structures ad different language styles.  He started that all people have an inborn ability to acquire primary levels, but children are more likely to acquire secondary levels and be more successful in learning a foreign language. Although adults learn faster children are more motivated because they went to be accepted by peer.
                             It has to be noticed that each age being some advantages and disadvantages to the learning process  and the decision when to start learning a foreign language depends on the situation of the individual learner . Students are taught in all age groups and teacher’s task is to use appropriated methods to suit to the demands of given age group .
Many studies have found that gender can have significant impact in how students learn a language. Although the study of gender as a variable in language learning is still at an easily stage , studies of individual language learner differences related to sex or gender have shown that females tend to show greater integrative motivation and more position attitudes to L2 ,and use a wider range of learning strategies particularly social strategies . As a matter of fact, as for the problem whether difference exists between male and female in terms of learning a language , Larsen – Freeman & Long believed that in the process of first language acquisition female excel male ,  at least at the early stage . Zhuanglin highlighted that , it was generally believed that male and female are born with different linguistic advantages , such as female learn to speak earlier than male , and female learn a foreign language faster than male  , etc..

                                      Studies of actual results suggests female are typically superior to males in nearly all aspects of language learning, expect vocabulary listening. Kimura , reports that higher levels of articulatory and motor ability have been associated in women with higher levels of estrogen level during the menstrual cycle.

                                      Intelligence is defined and measured in terms of linguistic and logical – mathematical abilities. Success in life and learning should correlate with high IQ tests score. The studies in

          There is  a strong relationship between intelligence and acquisition of a foreign language but only as far as academic skills are concerned . Learners with high IQ achieve better results in language tests. It is proved that intelligence can predict the rate and success of SLA. The standard intelligence tests correlates  highly with school related second language learning , but is unrelated to the learning of a second language for informal and social functions . It is assumed the some people are gifted and they learn foreign languages with ease. Some researchers do not believe that something like general intelligence can influence learning a foreign language.  All children acquire their first language successfully.Gardner introduced a theory of multiple intelligence. He described eight types of intelligence           
1.      Linguistic (sensitivity to spoken and written languages the              capacity to use the languages to accomplish certain goals)
2.      Logical – Mathematical (ability to detect patterns , reason deductively and think logically)
 3.     Spatial (Ability to recognize and use the patterns, of wide space and more confined areas)
4.      Musical (Capacity to  create musical pitches and rhythmic patterns)
5.      Bodily – kinaesthetic (Ability to use mental abilities to co ordinate bodily movements)
 6.     Inter personal (Ability understand intentions, motivations and desires of other people)
7.      Interpersonal (Ability to understand oneself, to develop a sense of self – identity)
8.      Naturalistic (Ability to understand the natural world)
                             He states that every person possesses the eight intelligences, which evolve independently at different times and to different degrees. Learners should be encouraged to develop all types of intelligence because they are closely bound and the growth of one area increases the capacity of the whole .Teachers should use a variety of techniques and material in order to enable students to learn using their strengths and achieve better results . He claims that people are intelligent in different ways and also learn in different ways.

                   It is believed that aptitude has consistently been linked with L2 success,  but remains as one of the under investigated areas of  SLA. Many language aptitude tests like TOEFL, IELTS have been used for a long period to test the aptitude of a second language learner of English. Carroll, who along with Sapon Created The Modern Languages Aptitude Test(MLAT) which was designed to predict success in foreign language learning , provides us with the following four types of ability that constitute aptitude:
1.      Phonemic coding ability (discriminated and encoder foreign           sounds)
2.      Grammatical Sensitivity (recognize functions of words in sentences)
3.      Inductive language learning ability (infers or induces rules with samples)
4.      Memory and learning (makes and recalls associations between words and phrases in L1 and L2)
Many schools believe that aptitude alone does not influence the language learning ability of an individual.Aptitude can only predict success in second language acquisition ; it cannot explain the reason behind it
                   Human personality in all its shapes and color bring variety to this world.  Personality studies have been the core of the study of human psychology for more than 150 years. In SLA the study of the relation between personality and language learning has  proved that there is a clean relationship between personality and SLA as the personality determines what people feel comfortable with . There are a number of personality characteristics that may affect L2 Learning.
1.    Extroversion V/S introversion
2.    Self Esteem
3.    Inhibition
4.    Risk-taking
5.    Anxiety
                             Introverted or anxious learners usually make slower progress, particularly I the development of oral skills. They are less likely to take advantages of opportunities to speak, or to seek out such opportunities. More out gong students will not worry about the inevitability of making mistakes. They will take risks , and these will themselves much more practice.
Self esteem is feeling of self –worth the individual’s process. It’s of three types:          
                             overall self assessment
                             Specific self-esteem
                             Task self –esteem
Extroversion is negative   correlation between pronunciation and extra version. Introverts are highest score on reading and grammar components. Extroversion does not lead to L2 success, but it may be a trait that encourages people to continue with their study, which in turn promotes SLA. Anxiety is of two types, deblicating and facilitating anxiety risk taking is willingness to take risks. Good language learners willing to guess ,to appear foolish in order to communicate and to use what knowing they do have of the threshold level in order to create novel utterances                                    

                    Cognitive style and attitude are also known as cognitive mode or cognitive model. Generally , it is a consistent style which was shown in the process of information processing(including receiving, storing, transformation, extraction and use),cognitive style includes(1) the differences in cognitive process such as individual perception , memory and thinking (2)the difference in the formation of personality, cognitive ability and cognitive function such as individual attitude and motivation
                   According to Ellis, cognitive style is the term used to refer to the manner in which people perceive conceptualize, and recall information. From this definition, it is abvious that cognitive style is sensible and stable, it is closely related to cognitive strategy and method they use in the process of information processing is the most suitable method; besides, people with different personality have different ways of thinking .In process of language acquisition, learners with different cognitive style lend to have, different interests ,personality ,emotion. Motivation etc. Which determines their and materials and the relationship between their behavior and teachers.
                   Therefore, study is necessary; teachers could have a better understanding of the cognitive characteristics of students, and make the best use of the outer factors(environment etc)and inner factors(characteristics etc)to improve the quality of foreign language teaching for different learning environment and different learning tasks.

                   To be added

·       Dr.Mowla,Shaik (2001).  Techniques of Teaching English, Hyderabad
·       Baruah,T C  (1984)       .  The English Teacher’s Hand Book. Steeling Publishers Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
·       Dr. Arjunan, N K.(2007) . Psychological Bases of Education. Yuga Publications, Delhi
·       Sharma, R.N, R.K, Sharma(2006). Educational  Psychological Atlantic Publishers and Distributers, Delhi

·       www.academia.eld

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