8 Major Trends in the Global ELT Field
The TESOL President’s Blog
Recently, I have been invited to share my perspectives on major trends in the
global ELT field at several international conferences. Here’s a summary of what
I shared with the participants—of course this isn’t a comprehensive list. I think
that trends in today’s ELT field can be broken down into three major categories:
globalization, localization, and interdisciplinary collaboration. I’d love to hear
your thoughts on current trends, as well.
Trend 1: Changing perspectives on English teaching and learning
Over the last 50 years, and especially during the last 20 years, the ELT field has
seen a dramatic change in our views of the role of English language teaching.
English educators have realized that many language learners know more than
two languages. English is not simply their second language anymore. With this
awareness, acronyms for the field have also evolved—from TESL (teaching
English to second language learners) to TESOL (teaching English to speakers
of other languages), from Western English to English as an international
language (EIL). The term TENOR (teaching English for no obvious reasons) has
been replaced by TESR (teaching English for social responsibilities) and CLT2
(communicative language teaching, contextualized language teaching).
Nowadays, more and more research and discussions have focused on the
issues of “World Englishes” and English as a lingua franca (ELF) rather than
simply referring to any English spoken outside of the United States, Canada, the
United Kingdom, and Australia as EFL.
Trend 2: Changes in goals of English teaching and learning
The goals of ELT have changed from focusing solely on developing language
skills and mimicking native English speakers to fostering a sense of social
responsibility in students. More and more educators realize that we can’t claim
success in teaching, no matter how fluent our students become, if they are
ignorant of world issues, have no social conscience, or use their
communication skills for international crime, corruption, or environmental
destruction (Cates, 1997; Brown, 1994). With this growing awareness of the
importance of producing responsible citizens for society, teachers now well
Read &
Attend &
Your Career
the Field
recognize that the teaching of English is not simply a project to prepare
students to imitate native English speakers as language learners but that it
should produce fully competent language users, critical thinkers, and
constructive social change agents, as Crystal (2004) and Cook (2005) noted.
Trend 3: Changes in approaches to teaching
The 21st century is referred as the “Postmethods Era” by many scholars
(Kumaravadivelu, Brown, Larsen-Freeman, and Mellow to name a few), where
the focus of teaching is on eclecticism. Eclecticism involves the use of a variety
of language learning activities, each of which may have very different
characteristics and may be motivated by different underlying assumptions.
Today, the use of L1 in L2 pedagogy and the use of different accents in
listening activities and tests are encouraged in teaching and learning.
Trend 4: Changes in teaching content, curriculum design, and assessment
The field is recognizing the growing importance of content and disciplinary
knowledge. This increased focus on CBLI, CLIL, SIOP, and ESP has meant that
more and more programs require English teachers to use cross-curricular,
cross-disciplinary content in teaching and to teach both the content and
English. Textbooks and learning materials include more multicultural content,
drawing on both local and global resources to help students gain multiple
perspectives and cultural understandings. Curriculum design is more content
based and theme based with emphases on both language and content
knowledge. Learning outcomes and learning standards are broader and pursue
the development of not only language skills, but critical thinking, learning
strategies, and related content knowledge and skills in the real world. Today,
standards, accountability, and assessment have become a major focus of the
educational reform in many countries in the world.
Trend 5: Expanding the dimension of communicative competence
A large focus of recent research and publications has been expansion of the
framework of communicative competence. Some scholars have introduced a
new way of looking at second language acquisition (SLA) as “multicompetence”
(Cook, 2012), and others (Byram, 1997, Kohn, 2013) focus on the
importance of intercultural communicative competence. The implication here is
that when teaching intercultural communicative competence, teachers need to
attend to both local and international cultures. The goal is to produce effective
language users competent to use English as an international language, not just
learners who mimic the “inner- circle” countries’ languages and cultures.
Trend 6: Changing views of an effective English educator
With the changing views of communicative competence and the awareness of
intercultural competence, perceptions of what constitutes an effective English
teacher are also changing. Recent studies on World Englishes and ELF, as well
as the roles of nonnative-English-speaking teachers (NNESTs) in the TESOL
field, have made more people recognize that the effectiveness of English
teachers should be determined by their linguistic, instructional, and intercultural
competence rather than simply by their linguistic identity. We want to make
sure that our students are served by well-prepared and well qualified teachers
regardless their first language background.
Trend 7: Rapid development and integration of information technology in ELT
The recent rapid development of technology and the use of cell phones and
different multimedia devices have opened endless possibilities for teachers to
teach English and access information. The Internet, YouTube, Web.2.0, e-books,
and various websites have changed how we prepare our lessons and instruct
our students. Now, with ready-made materials at the touch of a keyboard
button, it is a lot easier to bring real-life issues to the classroom and have a
meaningful discussion. Appropriate integration of technology in the classroom
encourages students to use language in many different ways. Furthermore,
learners from different parts of the world can get connected and exchange
ideas via the Internet and other media devices. Students may know more than
their teachers about how to use technology, and yet they need proper guidance
from the teachers on how to select, analyze, and utilize the right information to
achieve their learning goals.
Trend 8: Changing roles and increasing responsibilities of teachers
With all these new trends, the role of today’s teacher is also evolving, and our
responsibilities have been increasing. In the 21st-century classroom, teachers
have multiple roles and responsibilities as facilitators of student learning and
creators of a productive classroom environment in which students can develop
the skills they will need for the 21st-century workforce. More and more teachers
are asked to use collaborative, content-based, project-based curriculum to help
students develop higher-order thinking skills, effective communication skills,
and knowledge of technology. Another change noticed is that many teachers
no longer teach in isolation. Teachers have the opportunities to coteach, teamteach,
and collaborate with other teachers from other disciplines. It’s more
important than ever that teachers receive real institutional support including
funding and release time to attend professional development activities and
implement new ways of teaching and assessing learning. These are essential if
we are to prepare our students to be effective users of English and responsible
global citizens, and also prepare ourselves to be reflective practitioners and
critical social agents in this world of globalized Englishes.
I share these eight trends with you and invite you to, in return, share your
thoughts with me.
Brown, H. D. (1994, March). On track to century 21. Plenary talk at the 24th
Annual Convention of TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other
Languages), San Francisco, USA.
Byram, M. (1997). Teaching and assessing intercultural communicative
competence. Bristol, United Kingdom: Multilingual Matters.
Cates, K. A. (1997). New trends in global issues and English teaching. The
Language Teacher, 21(5). Retrieved from http://jaltpublications.
Cook, V. (2012) Multi-competence. Retrieved from
17 Responses to 8 Major Trends in the Global ELT Field
This entry was posted in TESOL Blog, TESOL Leadership Blog and tagged evergreen, TESOL President's blog, trends in EFL, trends in ELT, yilin sun.
Bookmark the permalink.
Cook, V. (2005). Basing teasing on the L2 user. In E. Llurda (Ed.), Non-native
language teachers: Perceptions, challenges and contributions to the profession
(pp. 47–61). New York, NY: Springer Science+Business Media.
Crystal, D. (2004, May 20). Creating a world of languages. Introductory speech
presented at the 10th Linguapax Congress, Barcelona.
Kohn, K. (2013, March). Intercultural communicative competence: An English
as a lingua franca perspective (PowerPoint), presentation at TESOL Arabia
About Yilin Sun
Yilin Sun has served as president of TESOL International Association, as chair of the TESOL Affiliate Leadership Council, and
president of Washington Association for the Education of Speakers of Other Languages (WAESOL). In 2011-2012, Dr. Sun was
a Fulbright Senior Scholar in Taiwan at the National Taiwan Normal University. Dr. Sun received her doctorate in applied
linguistics/curriculum and instruction from the University of Toronto, Canada. She has more than 28 years of experience in the
field of TESOL as a teacher educator, a researcher, a classroom teacher, and a program leader
with various institutions of higher education in China, Canada, and the United States. She is the
author and co-author of books, book chapters, and research papers in refereed professional
journals. Her research interests include curriculum development, program assessment and
evaluation, L2 reading, vocabulary learning, classroom-based action research, teacher education,
adult education, teaching English to young learners, World Englishes, ESP and nonnative English
speaking teachers (NNEST) in the ELT field.
View all posts by Yilin Sun Q
Sahaya Xavier Raj. says:
3 November 2016 at 3:16 am
Dear and respected Yilin Sun,
Thanks a lot for this thought provoking trends and settings for teaching
and learning English. I believe that i would be of great help and use to
many. Great experience has begotten greater ideas. Wish you many more
Thank you. God bless.
Algaraady says:
25 May 2016 at 8:19 am
Dear Yilin
I appreciate your efforts in the TESOL porgram , it is the most
comprehensive program of preparing the globall experienced teacher
I hope all the ESL/EFl teachers all over the world work too cooperatively
and collaboratively to work out the fast solutions for the preplexing topics
in the field
personally , Iam goint to put the first step in reseach for finding out the
cognitive remedical cures of affecting the language faculty withing the
learners after the 13th age .
I think from your experiences you may be aware of more crucial problems
that deals with the current issues. I hope to get your suggestions via email
algaradymhmd at gmail dot com
Best regards
Sabah Mehdi says:
8 May 2016 at 5:50 pm
thank you for this enlightening and well referenced article. I would be so
grafeful if you could add me to your contact list.
Dr S Thirunavukkarasu says:
6 May 2016 at 3:13 am
inspiring and educative
Jatupon Phulakor says:
2 April 2016 at 9:50 am
Hi, Yilin Sun
I’ve read your attractive work and I found that your work is very useful for
my Ph.D. study at Burapha University in Thailand. Thanks for giving me the
idea about Global ELT trends.
mitiku teshome says:
29 December 2015 at 7:13 am
hi, Yilin,
it is my first to involve in reading of your works. i appreciated it, since it
gives us an awareness of ELT. currently, as you have said, issues in ELT
are emerging in large. and having a researcher and nice practitioner like
you is a bravo one for all ELT experts around the world. very shortly, i will
participate researching and publishing on different recent trendsin ELT.
keep doing on it!
best regards,
Yilin says:
1 January 2016 at 7:47 pm
Dear Mitiku,
Thank you for reading my TESOL Blog posts. Very best wishes to your
research and practice in ELT. Happy New Year of 2016!
mohammad hussain khan says:
21 November 2015 at 5:04 am
Hi Yilin Sun,
It is very attractive and Impressive to see your great work in the field of
language.May u add me in your content list so that i can enhance my
update knowledge regarding the rapid expansion of English language
teaching.And i am also developing my interest in this area to perform my
Thanks and regards,
M Hussain khan
Yilin says:
1 January 2016 at 7:44 pm
Dear Hussain Khan,
Thank you for your nice comments and I’ll be happy to add you to my
contact list. All the very best to you for a successful New Year of 2016!
Fathi Mnassri says:
15 August 2015 at 6:59 pm
Hi Yilin Sun
Actually what you are saying is very interesting and terms like ” critical
thinking ” effective users of English language” represent cornerstones of
successful ELT classrooms. There are still many unsolved issues
especially regarding the question whether to teach English through the
English culture or to teach it through the culture of the country in which
English is taught . In many countries it is still a political decision. You gave
an answer when you said “Teachers need to attend to both local and
international cultures ” Don’t you think that English language learners seen
to have a common background knowledge especially when we take into
consideration the great number of people engaged in social media ?
Fathi Mnassri
Monir Hossen says:
28 April 2015 at 12:11 am
My Dear
Assalamo Allikom.
Thank you very much for clarifying the concepts of the best way of TESOL
& for expanding your thought in this regards. We wish to have more and
more detailed information regarding this new thing in ELT.
And my best wishes for you. Have a good time with you vision of life.
Thank you
Monir Hossen
MA in English
Department of English
Comilla University
Yilin says:
1 January 2016 at 7:48 pm
Dear Monir,
Very best wishes to you for a successful new year of 2016! I hope to meet
you at TESOL 2016 Convention.
Yilin Sun says:
30 January 2015 at 6:31 pm
Dear Brian,
Thank you for sharing your comments with me on this blog piece. The
dilemma you indicated here is not unique. It’s everywhere. Your point is
well taken that TESOL educators should reach out to subject area teachers
and vice versa. This year’s TESOL Convention theme is Crossing Boarders
and Building Bridges. I hope we can encourage more teachers to cross
boundaries and build bridges to form interdisciplinary collaboration
between ELT educators and subject area teachers. Once they experience
the success of student learning from this innovative approach, more
teachers will buy in. All the very best to you and hope to meet you at TESOL
2015 Convention.
Brian King says:
24 January 2015 at 1:46 am
Hi Yilin Sun,
Thank you for such an insightful post. I think that Trend 4 is particularly
interesting because it has such an impact on how and what English
teachers teach. I teach English at a Cambridge International School, and
my English curriculum incorporates Maths, Science, and Geography
throughout. I’m not sure, but I think most English teachers are excited
about this change, because it provides more real-life contexts to use the
second language. We recently finished a unit focusing on optical illusions.
Students were so engaged because the content was interesting to them.
The dilemma I have been facing at my current school is convincing the
other subject teachers that they are also English teachers to some degree.
All instruction is in English at the school, but many subject teachers do not
see any importance in altering their instructional strategies for English
learners. This problem is particularly troublesome during exam times.
Many of these teachers do not right the exams with the students’ abilities
in mind.
It is interesting that English teachers are not integrating other subjects into
their classrooms, but other subject teachers do not see the importance of
integrating some English instruction into their rooms. A system where each
teacher complements the content learned in other classrooms seems like
the best way to fully integrate English and content learning.
Brian King
Azizah says:
21 October 2014 at 12:16 pm
Teaching English as a lingua franca with multiple varieties is SO important!
As an ESL learner myself, and now an educator, I have seen firsthand what
the privilege of American native speakers looks like. The whole industry of
accent coaching, accent reduction, and trying to change one’s variety of
English to be more “standard” is just a frustrating, money-consuming
game. In reality, there is no “standard” English anymore – when we try to
remove our accent we are just making it easier for privileged native
speakers to understand us, and effacing our own identities. I am glad that
native speakers are starting to realize that they, too, have a responsibility to
accept the pluralism of Englishes and to make an effort to understand us.
Teaching English as a multi-faceted language also helps educators share
social issues with students, since the privilege of native speakers is
embedded in political, historical, and oppressive dynamics from the past.
Yilin Sun says:
30 January 2015 at 6:33 pm
Thank you Azizah and the TESOL field is moving in the right direction.
Algaraady says:
25 May 2016 at 8:20 am
thanks you all
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The TESOL President’s Blog
Recently, I have been invited to share my perspectives on major trends in the
global ELT field at several international conferences. Here’s a summary of what
I shared with the participants—of course this isn’t a comprehensive list. I think
that trends in today’s ELT field can be broken down into three major categories:
globalization, localization, and interdisciplinary collaboration. I’d love to hear
your thoughts on current trends, as well.
Trend 1: Changing perspectives on English teaching and learning
Over the last 50 years, and especially during the last 20 years, the ELT field has
seen a dramatic change in our views of the role of English language teaching.
English educators have realized that many language learners know more than
two languages. English is not simply their second language anymore. With this
awareness, acronyms for the field have also evolved—from TESL (teaching
English to second language learners) to TESOL (teaching English to speakers
of other languages), from Western English to English as an international
language (EIL). The term TENOR (teaching English for no obvious reasons) has
been replaced by TESR (teaching English for social responsibilities) and CLT2
(communicative language teaching, contextualized language teaching).
Nowadays, more and more research and discussions have focused on the
issues of “World Englishes” and English as a lingua franca (ELF) rather than
simply referring to any English spoken outside of the United States, Canada, the
United Kingdom, and Australia as EFL.
Trend 2: Changes in goals of English teaching and learning
The goals of ELT have changed from focusing solely on developing language
skills and mimicking native English speakers to fostering a sense of social
responsibility in students. More and more educators realize that we can’t claim
success in teaching, no matter how fluent our students become, if they are
ignorant of world issues, have no social conscience, or use their
communication skills for international crime, corruption, or environmental
destruction (Cates, 1997; Brown, 1994). With this growing awareness of the
importance of producing responsible citizens for society, teachers now well
Read &
Attend &
Your Career
the Field
recognize that the teaching of English is not simply a project to prepare
students to imitate native English speakers as language learners but that it
should produce fully competent language users, critical thinkers, and
constructive social change agents, as Crystal (2004) and Cook (2005) noted.
Trend 3: Changes in approaches to teaching
The 21st century is referred as the “Postmethods Era” by many scholars
(Kumaravadivelu, Brown, Larsen-Freeman, and Mellow to name a few), where
the focus of teaching is on eclecticism. Eclecticism involves the use of a variety
of language learning activities, each of which may have very different
characteristics and may be motivated by different underlying assumptions.
Today, the use of L1 in L2 pedagogy and the use of different accents in
listening activities and tests are encouraged in teaching and learning.
Trend 4: Changes in teaching content, curriculum design, and assessment
The field is recognizing the growing importance of content and disciplinary
knowledge. This increased focus on CBLI, CLIL, SIOP, and ESP has meant that
more and more programs require English teachers to use cross-curricular,
cross-disciplinary content in teaching and to teach both the content and
English. Textbooks and learning materials include more multicultural content,
drawing on both local and global resources to help students gain multiple
perspectives and cultural understandings. Curriculum design is more content
based and theme based with emphases on both language and content
knowledge. Learning outcomes and learning standards are broader and pursue
the development of not only language skills, but critical thinking, learning
strategies, and related content knowledge and skills in the real world. Today,
standards, accountability, and assessment have become a major focus of the
educational reform in many countries in the world.
Trend 5: Expanding the dimension of communicative competence
A large focus of recent research and publications has been expansion of the
framework of communicative competence. Some scholars have introduced a
new way of looking at second language acquisition (SLA) as “multicompetence”
(Cook, 2012), and others (Byram, 1997, Kohn, 2013) focus on the
importance of intercultural communicative competence. The implication here is
that when teaching intercultural communicative competence, teachers need to
attend to both local and international cultures. The goal is to produce effective
language users competent to use English as an international language, not just
learners who mimic the “inner- circle” countries’ languages and cultures.
Trend 6: Changing views of an effective English educator
With the changing views of communicative competence and the awareness of
intercultural competence, perceptions of what constitutes an effective English
teacher are also changing. Recent studies on World Englishes and ELF, as well
as the roles of nonnative-English-speaking teachers (NNESTs) in the TESOL
field, have made more people recognize that the effectiveness of English
teachers should be determined by their linguistic, instructional, and intercultural
competence rather than simply by their linguistic identity. We want to make
sure that our students are served by well-prepared and well qualified teachers
regardless their first language background.
Trend 7: Rapid development and integration of information technology in ELT
The recent rapid development of technology and the use of cell phones and
different multimedia devices have opened endless possibilities for teachers to
teach English and access information. The Internet, YouTube, Web.2.0, e-books,
and various websites have changed how we prepare our lessons and instruct
our students. Now, with ready-made materials at the touch of a keyboard
button, it is a lot easier to bring real-life issues to the classroom and have a
meaningful discussion. Appropriate integration of technology in the classroom
encourages students to use language in many different ways. Furthermore,
learners from different parts of the world can get connected and exchange
ideas via the Internet and other media devices. Students may know more than
their teachers about how to use technology, and yet they need proper guidance
from the teachers on how to select, analyze, and utilize the right information to
achieve their learning goals.
Trend 8: Changing roles and increasing responsibilities of teachers
With all these new trends, the role of today’s teacher is also evolving, and our
responsibilities have been increasing. In the 21st-century classroom, teachers
have multiple roles and responsibilities as facilitators of student learning and
creators of a productive classroom environment in which students can develop
the skills they will need for the 21st-century workforce. More and more teachers
are asked to use collaborative, content-based, project-based curriculum to help
students develop higher-order thinking skills, effective communication skills,
and knowledge of technology. Another change noticed is that many teachers
no longer teach in isolation. Teachers have the opportunities to coteach, teamteach,
and collaborate with other teachers from other disciplines. It’s more
important than ever that teachers receive real institutional support including
funding and release time to attend professional development activities and
implement new ways of teaching and assessing learning. These are essential if
we are to prepare our students to be effective users of English and responsible
global citizens, and also prepare ourselves to be reflective practitioners and
critical social agents in this world of globalized Englishes.
I share these eight trends with you and invite you to, in return, share your
thoughts with me.
Brown, H. D. (1994, March). On track to century 21. Plenary talk at the 24th
Annual Convention of TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other
Languages), San Francisco, USA.
Byram, M. (1997). Teaching and assessing intercultural communicative
competence. Bristol, United Kingdom: Multilingual Matters.
Cates, K. A. (1997). New trends in global issues and English teaching. The
Language Teacher, 21(5). Retrieved from http://jaltpublications.
Cook, V. (2012) Multi-competence. Retrieved from
17 Responses to 8 Major Trends in the Global ELT Field
This entry was posted in TESOL Blog, TESOL Leadership Blog and tagged evergreen, TESOL President's blog, trends in EFL, trends in ELT, yilin sun.
Bookmark the permalink.
Cook, V. (2005). Basing teasing on the L2 user. In E. Llurda (Ed.), Non-native
language teachers: Perceptions, challenges and contributions to the profession
(pp. 47–61). New York, NY: Springer Science+Business Media.
Crystal, D. (2004, May 20). Creating a world of languages. Introductory speech
presented at the 10th Linguapax Congress, Barcelona.
Kohn, K. (2013, March). Intercultural communicative competence: An English
as a lingua franca perspective (PowerPoint), presentation at TESOL Arabia
About Yilin Sun
Yilin Sun has served as president of TESOL International Association, as chair of the TESOL Affiliate Leadership Council, and
president of Washington Association for the Education of Speakers of Other Languages (WAESOL). In 2011-2012, Dr. Sun was
a Fulbright Senior Scholar in Taiwan at the National Taiwan Normal University. Dr. Sun received her doctorate in applied
linguistics/curriculum and instruction from the University of Toronto, Canada. She has more than 28 years of experience in the
field of TESOL as a teacher educator, a researcher, a classroom teacher, and a program leader
with various institutions of higher education in China, Canada, and the United States. She is the
author and co-author of books, book chapters, and research papers in refereed professional
journals. Her research interests include curriculum development, program assessment and
evaluation, L2 reading, vocabulary learning, classroom-based action research, teacher education,
adult education, teaching English to young learners, World Englishes, ESP and nonnative English
speaking teachers (NNEST) in the ELT field.
View all posts by Yilin Sun Q
Sahaya Xavier Raj. says:
3 November 2016 at 3:16 am
Dear and respected Yilin Sun,
Thanks a lot for this thought provoking trends and settings for teaching
and learning English. I believe that i would be of great help and use to
many. Great experience has begotten greater ideas. Wish you many more
Thank you. God bless.
Algaraady says:
25 May 2016 at 8:19 am
Dear Yilin
I appreciate your efforts in the TESOL porgram , it is the most
comprehensive program of preparing the globall experienced teacher
I hope all the ESL/EFl teachers all over the world work too cooperatively
and collaboratively to work out the fast solutions for the preplexing topics
in the field
personally , Iam goint to put the first step in reseach for finding out the
cognitive remedical cures of affecting the language faculty withing the
learners after the 13th age .
I think from your experiences you may be aware of more crucial problems
that deals with the current issues. I hope to get your suggestions via email
algaradymhmd at gmail dot com
Best regards
Sabah Mehdi says:
8 May 2016 at 5:50 pm
thank you for this enlightening and well referenced article. I would be so
grafeful if you could add me to your contact list.
Dr S Thirunavukkarasu says:
6 May 2016 at 3:13 am
inspiring and educative
Jatupon Phulakor says:
2 April 2016 at 9:50 am
Hi, Yilin Sun
I’ve read your attractive work and I found that your work is very useful for
my Ph.D. study at Burapha University in Thailand. Thanks for giving me the
idea about Global ELT trends.
mitiku teshome says:
29 December 2015 at 7:13 am
hi, Yilin,
it is my first to involve in reading of your works. i appreciated it, since it
gives us an awareness of ELT. currently, as you have said, issues in ELT
are emerging in large. and having a researcher and nice practitioner like
you is a bravo one for all ELT experts around the world. very shortly, i will
participate researching and publishing on different recent trendsin ELT.
keep doing on it!
best regards,
Yilin says:
1 January 2016 at 7:47 pm
Dear Mitiku,
Thank you for reading my TESOL Blog posts. Very best wishes to your
research and practice in ELT. Happy New Year of 2016!
mohammad hussain khan says:
21 November 2015 at 5:04 am
Hi Yilin Sun,
It is very attractive and Impressive to see your great work in the field of
language.May u add me in your content list so that i can enhance my
update knowledge regarding the rapid expansion of English language
teaching.And i am also developing my interest in this area to perform my
Thanks and regards,
M Hussain khan
Yilin says:
1 January 2016 at 7:44 pm
Dear Hussain Khan,
Thank you for your nice comments and I’ll be happy to add you to my
contact list. All the very best to you for a successful New Year of 2016!
Fathi Mnassri says:
15 August 2015 at 6:59 pm
Hi Yilin Sun
Actually what you are saying is very interesting and terms like ” critical
thinking ” effective users of English language” represent cornerstones of
successful ELT classrooms. There are still many unsolved issues
especially regarding the question whether to teach English through the
English culture or to teach it through the culture of the country in which
English is taught . In many countries it is still a political decision. You gave
an answer when you said “Teachers need to attend to both local and
international cultures ” Don’t you think that English language learners seen
to have a common background knowledge especially when we take into
consideration the great number of people engaged in social media ?
Fathi Mnassri
Monir Hossen says:
28 April 2015 at 12:11 am
My Dear
Assalamo Allikom.
Thank you very much for clarifying the concepts of the best way of TESOL
& for expanding your thought in this regards. We wish to have more and
more detailed information regarding this new thing in ELT.
And my best wishes for you. Have a good time with you vision of life.
Thank you
Monir Hossen
MA in English
Department of English
Comilla University
Yilin says:
1 January 2016 at 7:48 pm
Dear Monir,
Very best wishes to you for a successful new year of 2016! I hope to meet
you at TESOL 2016 Convention.
Yilin Sun says:
30 January 2015 at 6:31 pm
Dear Brian,
Thank you for sharing your comments with me on this blog piece. The
dilemma you indicated here is not unique. It’s everywhere. Your point is
well taken that TESOL educators should reach out to subject area teachers
and vice versa. This year’s TESOL Convention theme is Crossing Boarders
and Building Bridges. I hope we can encourage more teachers to cross
boundaries and build bridges to form interdisciplinary collaboration
between ELT educators and subject area teachers. Once they experience
the success of student learning from this innovative approach, more
teachers will buy in. All the very best to you and hope to meet you at TESOL
2015 Convention.
Brian King says:
24 January 2015 at 1:46 am
Hi Yilin Sun,
Thank you for such an insightful post. I think that Trend 4 is particularly
interesting because it has such an impact on how and what English
teachers teach. I teach English at a Cambridge International School, and
my English curriculum incorporates Maths, Science, and Geography
throughout. I’m not sure, but I think most English teachers are excited
about this change, because it provides more real-life contexts to use the
second language. We recently finished a unit focusing on optical illusions.
Students were so engaged because the content was interesting to them.
The dilemma I have been facing at my current school is convincing the
other subject teachers that they are also English teachers to some degree.
All instruction is in English at the school, but many subject teachers do not
see any importance in altering their instructional strategies for English
learners. This problem is particularly troublesome during exam times.
Many of these teachers do not right the exams with the students’ abilities
in mind.
It is interesting that English teachers are not integrating other subjects into
their classrooms, but other subject teachers do not see the importance of
integrating some English instruction into their rooms. A system where each
teacher complements the content learned in other classrooms seems like
the best way to fully integrate English and content learning.
Brian King
Azizah says:
21 October 2014 at 12:16 pm
Teaching English as a lingua franca with multiple varieties is SO important!
As an ESL learner myself, and now an educator, I have seen firsthand what
the privilege of American native speakers looks like. The whole industry of
accent coaching, accent reduction, and trying to change one’s variety of
English to be more “standard” is just a frustrating, money-consuming
game. In reality, there is no “standard” English anymore – when we try to
remove our accent we are just making it easier for privileged native
speakers to understand us, and effacing our own identities. I am glad that
native speakers are starting to realize that they, too, have a responsibility to
accept the pluralism of Englishes and to make an effort to understand us.
Teaching English as a multi-faceted language also helps educators share
social issues with students, since the privilege of native speakers is
embedded in political, historical, and oppressive dynamics from the past.
Yilin Sun says:
30 January 2015 at 6:33 pm
Thank you Azizah and the TESOL field is moving in the right direction.
Algaraady says:
25 May 2016 at 8:20 am
thanks you all
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