
Saturday, 2 May 2015





Topic: Communicative Approach



                              Submitted By,

                                                       Anjali Krishnan




Communicative approach is an approach to language teaching that emphasizes interaction or communication as both the means and the ultimate goal of study. Communicative approach rose to prominence inthe1970’sand early 1980’s. Until 1960’s situational approach was in vogue in teaching English as a second language or a foreign language. The works of men like Hymes(1972) and Halliday (1973) prepared the ground for a change. According to them, language is first and foremost a system for communication. Hymes advocated that the goal of language teaching is the development of communicative competence. Widdowson in his book, Teaching English as Communication, focuses on the communicative acts underlying the ability to use language for different purposes. According to Canale and Swain, there are four communicative competence.

They are;

·       Grammatical competence-Domain of grammatical and lexical capacity.

·       Socio-linguistic competence-Understanding of social context in which communication takes place.

·       Discourse  competence-Interpretation of individual message elements.

·       Strategic competence-Use of strategies that communicators employ to initiate, terminate, maintain, repair and redirect competence.

These studies gave birth to communicative approach towards the end of 20th century.



Major Assumptions Of Communicative Approach


1.   Goal of language teaching is to develop in learners the ability to communicate in the target language.

2.    Content of a language course will include semantic notions and social functions, not just linguistic structures. Syllabus is designed around functions and notions of language.

3.   Students regularly work in groups or in pairs to transfer and negotiate meaning in situations where one person has information that others lack.

4.   Students often engage in role-plays or dramatization to adjust their use of the target language to different social context.

5.   Skills are integrated from the beginning;  a given activity might involve reading, speaking, listening and perhaps also writing.

6.   The teacher’s role is primarily to facilitate communication and only secondarily to correct errors.

7.   Classroom materials and activities are often authentic to reflect real life situations and demands.

8.   The teacher should be able to use target language fluently and appropriately.

Characteristic Features


All communicative syllabuses are marked by the following characteristics;

Ø They all aim to make the learner attain communicative competence, that is, use language accurately and appropriately.

Ø The prime focus is on the learner. The teacher is just a facilitator, who manages the environment and the materials which will help the students to become autonomous learners.

Ø Communicative syllabus rely on authentic materials.

Ø The tasks set are purposeful and meaningful. Communicative task can be judged immediately for its success by the learner himself.

Ø Syllabuses emphasize the functions of language rather than the rules.

Ø Communicative tasks aim to make learners fluent (especially during the early stages) as well as accurate in their use of the target language.

Techniques In Communicative Approach

In communicative approach, information gap tasks are used. An information gap occurs in a situation where one person knows something which other people do not. Information gap tasks are introduced in the classroom using the following techniques;

v Language games-are communicative when they are characterized by three features; information gap, choice and feedback.

v Mind engaging tasks-are given to the learner to draw out the best in him. Many problem solving activities are a part of communicative approach.

v Role play-Since an ability to manipulate language in a social context is an important aspect of communicative competence, most communicative materials include role play as a part of the activities.

v Retrieving text order-This is done through scrambled sentences and scrambled picture techniques. By doing these activities learners become aware of the discourse features which are distinct from grammatical features.

v Group work/pair work-forms an important part of any communicative activity, for peer interaction is an effective means of acquiring some language features which are not available in a formal teacher fronted classroom.

Learner And Teacher Roles

Communicative approach emphasizes self direction for the learners as the teacher won’t be around to guide them the whole time. The learner should enter in to the situations where communication takes place as much as possible to increase his communicative proficiency. Teachers no longer rely on activities that require repetition, accuracy and the memorization of sentences and grammatical patterns. Instead they require the learners to negotiate meaning and interact meaningfully in the target language. Learners have to participate in classroom activities based on a cooperative rather than individualistic approach to learning.


                             The teacher adopts different roles. On the one hand she is a facilitator, a guide and a helper and on the other hand a coordinator, an idea person and a co-communicator. She talks less and listens more to the students. The teacher also identifies the students’ learning strategies and helps them to improve themselves if necessary and shows them how to work independently. Teacher gives up her status as a person of authority. It is the teacher’s responsibility to be creative and prepare appropriate material.



Advantages and Disadvantages

                       The most obvious advantage of communicative approach is the increase of fluency in target language. This enables the learners to be more confident when interacting with other people. It improves healthy relationships, active interactions and develops pupil’s confidence. This approach is pupil centered and considers all pupil’s skills individually.


                         Disadvantages of communicative approach are;

è   Over emphasis on oral work.

è   Ignorance on systematic teaching of grammar.

è   Over consumption of time.

è   Lack of proper need to speak English.

è   Requires competent teachers.

è   Lack of appropriate syllabus.

è   Lack of instantaneous correction.



The shift of importance from form to meaning, from a rigid single method to an eclectic one and from teacher centered to student centered, all converged in communicative approach. This approach sounds perfect in theory but, it has certain problems when implemented. How to correct students is a big issue. Teachers do not discourage communication by pointing out the mistakes of the students. This spirit of encouragement given to communication sounds ideal but, it may create problems. Teachers may find it difficult to evaluate students’ performance. In this approach, the skills of reading and writing are completely comparatively neglected.



As any other  approach, communicative approach also have advantages and disadvantages. Communicative approach can be used best for the development of communicative skills in a learner. But a proper supervision of the teacher is compulsory while implementing this approach.



&     Nagaraj, Geetha, English Language Teaching          Approaches, Methods, Techniques. Kolkata; Orient Logman, 1996. Print.

&     Anandan, K.N, Tuition to Intuition. Calicut; Transcend, 2006. Print.

&     Jamaluddeen, Effective Teaching of English. Manjeri; Quality publishers, 2012. Print.






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