
Saturday, 29 November 2014

Pedagogic analysis-2


 Words  pronounced alike having  different spellings and meanings are called homophones. The word 'homophone' is derived from the Greek words 'homo' meaning 'same', and 'phōnḗ' meaning 'voice or utterance'. Examples are beet (vegetable), beat (musical rhythm)  and beat (to strike),'eye' and 'I', 'meat' and 'meet', 'new' and 'knew'.



A Homonym is a couple of words that share the same spellings and pronunciations but have different significances. The state of being a homonym is called homonymy. Examples of homonyms are the pairs of words like
bank- bank


A Hyponym is a word or phrase which is included in the semantic domain of some other word, its hypernym. Hyponymy shows the kinship between the general terms (Hypernyms) and its specific instances (hyponyms). A hyponym is a word or phrase whose semantic field is more specific than its hypernym (superordinate term). 


Polysemy is the capacity of a word or words to have multiple related meanings. It is commonly seen as distinct from homonymy, in which the multiple meanings of a word may be disconnected or unrelated.

 Portmanteau words or blends

  A portmanteau word is formed by mixing the sound (morphemes) and the meaning of two  words. For example 'edutainment' combines 'education' and 'entertainment'. The word comes from the English term "portmanteau luggage" for a piece of luggage with two compartments, derived from the French 'portmanteau' [to transmit] and 'manteau' meaning 'coat'.  The word 'smog', is coined by blending smoke and fog, and 'motel' from 'motor' and 'hotel'. 


A long word is abbreviated by omitting (clipping) one or more syllables. This procedure is known as CLIPPING, eg., Bus from Omnibus,  Copter from helicopter and Fridge from refrigerator


The usual device for changing the word-class(part of speech) of an item is addition of suffixes. But this can sometimes be accomplished without this device. The process of derivation whereby the word class of an item is altered without the addition of derivational suffixes is known as CONVERSION. In this process the same word is used as different components of speech, and this is  indicated by word stress, inflectional suffixes and other syntactic devices.

Verb to noun : The man is a cheat

Noun to verb: He elbowed his way through the crowd.

Adjective to noun: Our school subscribes to one daily and three weeklies.

Adjective to a verb: The boy dirtied his hands with mud.


Dancing  is good for health.
The word dancing is formed from the verb dance by adding-ing. It is therefore like a verb, but it is also the subject of the verb is. So it is performing the work of a noun.
Let us take one more example:
Collecting stamps is her hobby.
The word collecting is formed from the verb collect. It also has an object (stamps). Therefore,collecting is like a verb.
But collecting is also the subject of the verb is. Therefore it is doing the work of a noun
Ø A word which is like a verb but performs the work of a noun is called a gerund.
Ø Gerund is a verbal noun,it is a noun formed from a verb
Ø Since a gerund is a noun,we can use articles(a, an, the), possessive adjectives(my,your, etc.) or words like some, may before it:
*   The trekking was over by 10 a.m.
Ø Gerunds can have  adjectives:
*   Her marvellous writing charmed everybody.
*   His rash riding scared us at times.
Ø Gerunds can have their own objects:
*   He denied stealing the book.
Ø Gerunds can be used after some verbs where the infinitive(to+verb) cannot be used:
          The students stopped writing when the bell rang.

       The Participle

          Nobody could enter the burning house.
Ø The word burning is formed from the verb burn by adding-ing. It’s therefore like a verb.
Ø But it is also describing the noun house. So it’s performing the work of an adjective.
Let us take one more example
·       We found the guests waiting for us.
Ø The word waiting is formed from the verb wait. So it is like a verb. But waiting is also describing the noun guests. So it is performing the work of an adjective.
Ø A word which is like a verb but performs the work of an adjective is called a participle.
Ø  A participle is a verbal adjective.
Present participles should not be confused with Gerunds which also end -ing.
 For example:
 I stopped collecting stamps when my brother started it as his hobby.
(This is a gerund not a present participle.)



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